django-renderit 1.2 documentation

Template Fallback

Fallback template paths are generated based on the arguments supplied. A list templates is created and then select_template is called on the list.

Simple Example

{% renderit auth.user %}

Generated List:



The default template root path can be changed via ROOT_TEMPLATE_PATH

Arguments Example

Single Argument

{% renderit auth.user auth %}

Generated list:


Mulitple Arguments

{% renderit auth.user auth homepage %}

Generated list:



Suppling a prefix will gerernate two sets of templates, one set with the prefix and one set without the prefix

{% renderit auth.user with prefix=userinfo %}

Generated List:


With Arguments

{% renderit auth.user homepage custom with prefix=userinfo %}

Generated List:





Changed in version `1.1`

Group will append the string and act like a directory rather then a extra template path string.

{% renderit auth.user with group=users %}

Generated List:


The group argument can also be a path i.e. users/homepage

New in version `1.1`

{% renderit auth.user with group=users/homepage %}

Generated List:



New in version `1.2`

We can group templates by the current site. This option can be supplied via the template tag as site=True or enabled globally using the SITE_GROUPS setting.

{% renderit auth.user with site=True %}

Generated List:


The example above will automatically apply the site id as part of the group.


While this looks like just another group i.e. 1/a/b, it acts slightly different when the site is reached. Normally when the last group is reached, in this case 1 the template generator would just remove the 1 and try any prefix and arg combination left, but the site functionality will remove the 1 and then try all the normal groups (anything other than the site) all over again.

Here is an example without sites:

.. code-bloack:: django
{% renderit test with groups=1/a/b %}

Generated List:






Here is an example with sites (notice the removal of 1 in the groups):

.. code-bloack:: django
{% renderit test with groups=a/b sites=True %}

Generated List:








As shown, the site id is used first, but when the site id is removed, it will reset the groups with no site id. This gives us the ability to have defaults and site overrides.

Site value generation

The above examples showed the default value used, the pk of the site, but this isn’t very developer friendly. When site ability is enabled we can specify a custom site value function which should yield a string. The default is renderit.templatetags.renderit_tags.default_get_site_func

Change the setting SITE_GET_FUNC to a custom function to return something more friendly. For example:

     'SITE_GET_FUNC': 'example.sample_app.utils.get_site_name'
def get_site_name():
    site_map = {
       1: 'white',
       2: 'black',
       3: 'red',
       4: 'blue'
    return site_map.get(Site.objects.get_current().pk)


The list of generated template paths can get rather large when using multiple arguments, a prefix and a group together

{% renderit auth.user hompage custom with prefix=logininfo group=users %}

Generated List:






What we have here is 2 sets with 2 inner sets of templates, one set has the group users one without, the inner set has one set with prefix logininfo and one set without.


This is just the generated template path list, these templates do not have to exist, this is simply a way to fallback to other templates in case a template does not exist.

With the update to group argument to allow a path, the generate list gets even larger.

{% renderit auth.user admins custom with prefix=logininfo group=users/homepage %}

Generated List:








This is similar to the previous example, except that now we have users/homepage as one set and users as another set

The other arguments


This argumennt is taken literally and will not create any extra sets. If we take the last example and add concatination string to be __ (double underscore) we would get:

{% renderit auth.user hompage custom with prefix=logininfo group=users concat="__" %}

Generated List:




